希望能得到标准的英文翻译!听说这里很多英文很强的哥哥姐姐,就来这里求助啦 !!!
1.看我们跳的多好看啊。 1. Look how well we are dancing.
2,我们两个拿着玫瑰跳得怎样? 2. How are we dancing, with a rose in the hand?
3,和我大家在一起,我是最小的。 3. It’s me, the youngest in the crowd.
4,我嘴巴含着一朵玫瑰和小小一起跳舞,大家都说好可爱呢。 4. I am dancing with Xiaoxiao, with a rose in my mouth. How lovely I am, they say.
5,这是我和哥哥在东湖公园门口拍的。5. Elder brother and I are at the gate of Dongfu Park.
6,我坐在圆石头上象只老虎。 6. Crouching on the rock, I look like a tiger.
7,我在百花盛开的时候打鼓。 7. I am beating the drum among a sea of flowers.
8,一只大猴子背着一只小猴子,我和哥哥在旁边照相。8. Elder brother and I are posing for the shot, with a young monkey on the back of an older one.
9,你说我这样可爱吗? 9. Am I not lovely this way?
10,我自创的功夫哦,一起来学吧。 10. This is a skill of my own creating, which is worth learning.
11,我后面是五颜六色的菊花。 11. In back of me is a colorful sea of chrysanthemum.
12,我和阿姨在草地上。 12. Aunt and I are sitting on the meadow.
13,2005年过年我拿了好多红包。 13. I have got a lot of red envelopes with money inside at the beginning of 2005.
14,这是一张我和姐姐的最可爱相片。 14. This really does justice to the beauty of my elder sister and me.
15,2004年我和姐姐在家拍的,笑的多开心。15. Elder sister and I are having a good time at home in 2004.
16,我坐在椅子上笑的好开心啊。 16. I am sitting on the chair, laughing heartily.
17,站在旁边有石头和水。 17. I am standing beside the rock and a pond of water.
18,这树太大了,都照不完整。 18. The tree is too tall to be shown completely in the picture.
19,我和妈妈一起变超人。 19. Mom and I are disguising ourselves as Superwomen.
20,长大后我要象他那样。 20. I am to become a Superwoman when I grow up.