BBC 口语教学:怎样使聊天真的有话可聊

当一群讲不同语言的朋友聚到一块时,他们会用英语交流,有时候,谈话会无法进行下去甚至草草收场。 但是,即使你的词汇量不大,要使话题继续下去并且变得有趣也是有可能的。 TEASER:If you breathe in really sharply (demo) like that, that shows that you're really surprised or you're really shocked at what you've been told. 如果你像这样深吸一口气(演示),这表示你对刚听到的事情非常吃惊。 Yvonne: Native speakers make use of linking words as well as various sounds to keep a conversation going and to show interest in what someone is saying. And these sounds can certainly help to keep a conversation lively! 母语为英语的人会会像用连词一样用不同的声音来把谈话进行下去或是对正在谈论的东西表示兴趣盎然。 而这些声音是绝对可以让一场谈话变得生动有趣的。 Here's how Carrie and I extended our conversation just as it seemed to be ending. We were sharingnsome office gossip - so the topic wasn't important or official and was very informal. You'll notice that we used very few words and 'ooh' and 'ummmmm' sounds are just as important. What do you think those sounds tell us? 我和Carrie 会向大家展示怎样把一场看似快要无疾而终的谈话变得有活力的。 我们正在聊一些办公室的八卦,所以主题不会很重要也不是那么正式。 你将会注意到我们用了很少的单词和像ooh和ummmmm这一类重要的声音。 你觉得那些声音在传递一种什么样的信息呢? CARRIE: Well, you see, it pays to be in the office sometimes. YVONNE: Ooh, ooh, ooh, CARRIE: Yes, yes, yes. YVONNE: I've got a bit of gossip for you.CARRIE: Go on, go on, go on… YVON NE: Guess who's seeing who? “呵,在办公室办公还是有好处的”;“哦,哦,哦”;“没错没错”;“我这儿有小道消息呢”;“快说快说……”。 知道谁跟谁在约会吗? CARRIE: In the office? 办公室里吗? YVONNE: In the office. 对,办公室里。 CARRIE: Ummmmm - give us a clue… 嗯……提示一下吧。 Yvonne: 'Ooh' sounds can be used to show that you've just remembered something really exciting and worth talking about… “哦”可以用来表示你突然想起某件让人兴奋并且值得一聊的事情。 CARRIE: Well, you see, it pays to be in the office sometimes. YVONNE: Ooh, ooh, ooh, “瞧,在办公室带着有时候是有好处的”;“哦,哦,哦。” Yvonne: The 'ummm' sound that Carrie used indicated that she was taking some time to think of an answer to my question... 而“嗯”则暗示Carrie正在想我那个问题的答案。 CARRIE: Ummmmm - give us a clue… 嗯,给我们一个提示吧。 Yvonne: So we've heard two small sounds which made our conversation fun and exciting - and helped us extend it. 就这两个声音使谈话变得有趣挑起了大家的兴奋劲--同时也使谈话有了新的主题。 Here's another chance to hear that conversation about two people in our office. This time, listen out for how many times I say 'ooh', and how many times Carrie says the word 'yes' and the short phrase 'go on'... CARRIE: Well, you see, it pays to be in the office sometimes. YVONNE: Ooh, ooh, ooh, CARRIE: Yes, yes, yes. YVONNE: I've got a bit of gossip for you.CARRIE: Go on, go on, go on… 现在再来听一遍关于办公室那两个人的谈话。 这一次,请留心听我总***说了多少次ooh以及Carrie说了多少次yes这个单词和go on这个短语。 “呵,在办公室办公还是有好处的”;“哦,哦,哦”;“没错没错”;“我这儿有小道消息呢”;“快说快说……”。 YVON NE: Guess who's seeing who? 知道谁跟谁在约会吗? CARRIE: In the office? 办公室里吗? YVONNE: In the office. 对,办公室里。 CARRIE: Ummmmm - give us a clue… 嗯……提示一下吧。 Yvonne: I said 'ooh' three times and very quickly - 'ohh, ooh, ooh' and Carrie did the same with 'yes' and 'go on' to encourage me to carry on talking. So three is a good number! 我很快地说了三次ooh,Carrie说了三次yes和go on让我有继续讲下去的冲动。 因此讲三次是最好的。 You're listening to "How to…" from and we're looking at ways to extend a conversation and make it more interesting by using various sounds. 你现在正在收听的是BBC英语学习频道之“How to (语言指南)”,我们正在讲述怎样用不同的声音来延续谈话并使其变得更有趣。 As our conversation continued, I let Carrie know that I couldn't tell her the names of the people we were talking about. That was a secret. But listen to the sound she made to show her frustration - to indicate that she wasn't pleased: 聊天当中,我告诉Carrie我不可能告诉她谈话所涉及到的那两个人的名字。 那可是个秘密。 来听一下她觉得扫兴的时候所发出的声音--表示不满的声音。 CARRIE: Who is it? 是谁呢? YVONNE: I can't say. 我可不能说。 CARRIE: Oh you….Arrrrgh! 哦,你这家伙……啊…… YVONNE: I've been sworn to secrecy. 我发誓要保密的。 CARRIE: You can't tell me half a story and not tell me who's getting engaged or going out. 你可以只说一半,别告诉我们要订婚或是正谈恋爱的人是谁。 YVONNE: Calm down, calm down. 稍安勿躁,稍安勿躁! CARRIE: Argh! Ummm - can I guess? 啊,嗯,我能猜一下吗? Yvonne: Carrie said 'Arrrgh' when she first realized that I wasn’t going to tell her what she wanted to know. Carrie发出了“啊”的声音当她意识到我不可能透露她想知道的事情。 CARRIE: Arrrrgh! YVONNE: I've been sworn to secrecy…. (重复)“啊……”;“我已经发誓会保守秘密”。 Yvonne: And then she made a shorter, softer version of the same sound to show that she was still frustrated but again said 'ummm' because this time, she was thinking of a way to get those names from me… 然后她用有点沮丧的口吻又一次发出了 “啊”,这次要短促温和一点,继而用“嗯”想从我这里得到那两个人的名字。 CARRIE: Argh! Ummm - can I guess? (重复)啊!嗯,我可以猜一下吗? YVONNE: I'm just making you aware of the situation… 我只是想让你了解一下情况…… Yvonne: Well, I kept my secret and Carrie is still trying to guess who the people are! 呵,我仍旧守口如瓶,而Carrie仍旧在尝试着打破沙锅问到底,想从我这里套出那两个当事人是谁。 At first, those types of sounds we've heard might feel strange to use. But you probably already use them when speaking in your own language, so why not have some fun and try a few out when you're next having a conversation in English? Use them to show your interest, to help make the conversation exciting, and to encourage someone to continue with the conversation. Now it's worth mentioning gestures and facial expressions, even though we can't see them here! Here are some that the team at BBC Learning English sometimes use to extend a conversation: 一开始的时候,这样的声音用起来可能会有点怪。 但是你可能在讲母语的时候已经用到过了,下次要碰上英文聊天,可以尝试这用一下。 用这些声音来表达你的兴趣,来使谈话变得更有意思以及鼓励其他人参与到对话中来。 现在,讲话时的姿势和面部表情也是值得一提的,尽管在这里看不到。 这里是我们BBC学习频道的工作人员在推进谈话是有时候会用到的一些姿势和表情。 If you shake your head slowly, as if you're saying 'no' when somebody is telling you something sad, that makes it look as though you're sympathetic… 当某人跟你讲述一件不幸的事情的时候,缓慢地摇头就相当于在说“不是吧/不会吧”,使你显得感同身受。 If you smile from time to time, that can be encouraging… 如果你不时地露出微笑,那表示你在鼓励…… Don't smile too often because the person you're listening to might wonder whether you actually understand what they're saying. 但是别笑得太频繁(笑太多成傻笑了),不然说话人会怀疑你根本没听懂他在说什么。 Yvonne: Now, have fun listening out for some more of those sounds when you're at the shops, when you're on a bus - in fact, anywhere where people are speaking English. And look out for some of those gestures. I'm sure you'll have fun trying them out! 好了,多去听听这些(谈话中会出现的)声音吧,在商店也好或是巴士上也好--实际上,所有英语的地方(你都可以注意到)。 也可以去观察一下那些(谈话中所用到的)姿势。 我敢肯定,在尝试着用这些声音和姿势的时候,你会觉得趣味无穷。