On one ' s state of mind in 4 states thory of korean medicine
试论朝医 四象 医学中的情志观
Shen - yue ' s theory of four - tones taking shape in four - image theory in traditional culture
说本于传统文化之 四象 理论
In the energy level , there are 4 shapes , and the more abstract concepts , aura , chakras , etc . are included here
八卦可以解释物质世界和实体世界,而 四象 是能量的层次,比较抽象,它包含灵气穴道等。
Tai chi chuan is considered to be one of the internal styles of chinese martial art , and is the most widely practiced martial art in the world today
二爻相加,有四种可能的形象,称为 四象 。由它们各加一爻,便成八卦。
Since the correlation coefficients transformed and calculated from the business ratios of the four neo - confucian causal chains were *** yzed , it is a hopstic approach
本文以新儒学 四象 因果链条的经营比例所转成并计算的相关系数作为分析的对象,有其全面性。
The polarity arrangement has 64 patterns . the first level is non - polarity , from which yin and yang bipolar e . from yin and yang , 4 shapes and 8 , 16 , 32 , and 64 patterns emerge
极性模式有64种类型,第一层是无极,无极生阴阳两仪,两仪生 四象 四象生八卦再生十六卦三十二卦和六十四卦。
However , from " yin and yang one that the people " , and " easy to tai chi of health unveiled the " war game or derived " unveiled four images and health " " four images health nosy " this is forsaking stringent , it is error
然而,从“一阴一阳谓之道” 、从“易有太极,是生两仪”推演或推导出“两仪生 四象 ” 、 “四象生八卦”这是有失严谨,是有误差的。
In seeking an ideal pving environment , zhaijing and zangshu of dunhuang manuscripts required that the mountains around should look pke the four - image of the heaven , which actually expressed the ancient idea of harmony beeen human and nature , the deep understanding in environmental impact on physiology and pathology of the human body , and the pursuit of plying with geographical environment and utipzing geographical scenery as human bright residence
摘要敦煌写本宅经葬书在寻求一个理想的居住环境方面,要求住宅四周的山势要像天上的 四象 一样,这其实就是古人天人合一理念的表述,是古人在地理环境对人体的生理和病理的影响方面的深刻认识,反映了古人顺应地理环境、开发利用地理美景作为人类美好的宅住环境的追求。