


看完影片后,你是否还向往在家工作呢?别急别急,在下定论前,我先教你用英文描述各种在家工作的利与弊(the pros and cons of working from home),来看看在家工作到底适不适合你!



1. You don’t have to mute during rush hour packed like sardines on a train or bus every workday.(你不需要在尖峰时期通勤,每天在火车或公车上挤得像沙丁鱼一样。)


2. You can work quietly without being disturbed by other colleagues chatting, coughing, or lecturing.(你可以安静地工作,不会被其他同事的闲聊、咳嗽、训话干扰。)


3. You can have a flexible schedule, having lunch and taking a break whenever you like.(你的时间安排会更有弹性,随时都可以吃午餐或休息。)


4. You might feel less stressed and be able to concentrate better when no one is peeking at your screen every time they pass your seat.(没有人会经过你座位时偷看你的萤幕,你会感到较少的压力、更能专心。)


5. When you are tired, your bed or yoga mat is just around the corner. Taking a nap or stretching a bit helps reduce fatigue and stress.(感到疲倦时,你的床和瑜珈垫就在旁边。睡个午觉或伸展一下有助于减少疲劳和压力。)


6. You can cook healthy food and save some money, though ordering a takeaway from Uber Eats and Foodpanda might be a more tempting option.(你可以料理健康的食物,省下一些钱,虽然直接叫 Uber Eats 和空腹熊猫的外送可能更吸引人。)





1. You might suffer other sorts of distractions—your pets and kids playing around, family members talking on the phone loudly, and jobless neighbors watching TV shows all day long, for example.(可能会有其他事情使你分心--譬如到处玩耍的宠物或小孩,大声讲电话的家人,还有整天看电视的无业邻居。)


2. Working from home in summer without air conditioning is unbearable, while the cost of leaving the air conditioner on all day is equally unbearable.(炎热的夏日不开冷气在家工作十分难受,但冷气开一整天的费用也同样令人难受。)


3. You might find it hard to focus when there are so many temptations all around you. What about the series on Netflix you’ve been watching or the novel you’re halfway through?(那么多诱惑在身旁,你可能会觉得难以专心。来看一下你正在追的 Netflix 影集或是读到一半的小说吧?)


4. Without the formal working environment of the office, you tend to get sluggish and work at a snail's pace.(没有办公室正式的工作环境,你容易变得懒散,工作慢得像蜗牛。)


5. You might feel isolated, lonely, and bored working at home. You miss gossiping with your besties about the people you both hate and being amused at the silly jokes made by your talented colleague.(你在家工作可能会感到孤单、寂寞又无聊。你想念和好友讲你们都讨厌的人的八卦,怀念你多才多艺的同事讲的笑话。)


6. When it es to online meetings, a bad connection can easily get on people’s nerves, not to mention those constant background noises from everyone’s house or neighborhood.(视讯会议时,不顺畅的网路容易让人不爽,更别提那些从每个人家中或社区不停传来的背景噪音。)
