ShenZhen Ba Kua Ling Block 30, No 304
二:我性格独立(i'm independent),遇事冷静(i always be calm down when facing problem),独立解决问题的意识比较强( i have strong self-solving problem skill),和同事之间能很好的相处,,同时协调好不同部门之间的合作。(i can communicate well among colleagues and interpret well among the departments)
例子1(example 1):刚刚在一家酒店做网管时(i had worked as web administrator in a hotel),正好新来一个文员(there is a new hired clerk),当时她使用着一个很陈旧的打印机,总是出问题(she was using an old printer which always cause to error occurred),她自己解决不了(she was unable to solve it)。于是找到我(then, she asked for help from me),在此之前我从来没有研究过打印机(However, i had never touch printer before this),于是我就一边琢磨,一边试验,找规律(so, beside of doing research and testing),很多时候都是现场找出问题原因,现场教会文员(i always try to find the causes and teach the clerk on spot)。后来(after that),我在空余时间也看一看相关专业资料(I'd get some resources when free),现在关于各种型号打印机出现日常问题,我都能独立解决(now, i m able to solve any error and problem of any model of printer)。
例子2(example 2):刚到深圳时(when i reached to ShenZhen),在我本身什么资源都没有的情况下,我选择了做酒店PA,先解决自己温饱问题(without any resources,in order to settle the meal,i choose to work as PA in hotel),在后来出现职务空缺时,申请做了网管(after that there is a vacancy, then i applied it and work as web administrator)。在行政上(from administrator of view),网管比PA高出两个级别(web administrator is higher two level than the PA),但到了新的工作岗位后(but after starting to work),继续保持谦虚谨慎的心态(keep to be modest),和各管理部门合作都很愉快(and co-operate well among the management departments)
三:(我学习的专业技能)(the major skill that I'd learnt)主要学习以下内容(major):WINDOWS 2000 SERVER;电子电路(electronic circuit);C语言(C);路由配制(route configuration);网页制作(web develop);