Lying like a bow
站似一棵松Song seems tree stand
不动不摇坐如钟Fixed wave sit like bells
走路一阵风Walk a gust of wind
南拳和北腿Nanquan and North legs
少林武当功Shaolin Gong Wudang
太极八卦连环掌BA Gua Zhang Tai Chi
中华有神功China is a miracle
卧似一张弓Lying like a bow
站似一棵松Song seems tree stand
不动不摇坐如钟Fixed wave sit like bells
走路一阵风Walk a gust of wind
南拳和北腿Nanquan and North legs
少林武当功Shaolin Gong Wudang
太极八卦连环掌BA Gua Zhang Tai Chi
中华有神功China is a miracle
棍扫一大片 枪挑一条线So a large number of challenges a line gun club
身轻好似云中燕 豪气冲云天Light and heroic spirit was soaring high in the sky, like Yunzhongyan
外练筋骨皮 内练一口气In addition to learning to practice breath and relax skin
刚柔并济不低头 我们心中有天地A private tutor and the economy has not bow our hearts universe
卧似一张弓Lying like a bow
站似一棵松Song seems tree stand
不动不摇坐如钟Fixed wave sit like bells
走路一阵风Walk a gust of wind
南拳和北腿Nanquan and North legs
少林武当功Shaolin Gong Wudang
太极八卦连环掌BA Gua Zhang Tai Chi
中华有神功China is a miracle
清风剑在手 双刀就看走Style sword in hand can go on with double
行家功夫一出手 那就知道有没有Experts would know if there was a skill
手是两扇门 脚下是一条根Hand is a foot of the door is either root
四方水土养育了 中华武术魂Water and upbringing the soul of the Chinese Martial Arts Quartet
东方一条龙 儿女似英雄Stop people like heroes Orient
天高地远八面风 中华有神功Chinese art is much wind directions days Heights
东方一条龙 儿女似英雄Stop people like heroes Orient
天高地远八面风 中华有神功Chinese art is much wind directions days Heights
中华有神功China is a miracle