
The Media and Famous People  In almost every form of media, including television, newspapers and magazines, a great deal of attention is paid to the personal lives of celebrities. It seems that the public cannot get enough of this kind of news. However, I believe that the media have a responsibility to present a balanced view of the world, as well as respect the lives of public figures. Therefore, I believe that the media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people.  For people who are fascinated with the lives of public figures there are some forms of media devoted exclusively to this topic. They can satisfy their curiosity by buying fan magazines and watching TV shows devoted to entertainment news. The general media should present all types of information because people have different interests. Furthermore, the practice of dwelling on the private lives of celebrities can lead people to pay more attention to these matters than they otherwise would. Perhaps most importantly, the media should respect the privacy of every individual, including public figures. They may have chosen to be in the public eye, but that does not give the public the right to know everything about them. Moreover, many stories about celebrities are untrue; they are only gossip reported to increase sales of magazines and other media. They are unfair to the famous and mislead the public.  For all of these reasons, I believe that the media should pay more attention to matters other than the private lives of public figures. In this way, they can appeal to a wider audience and encourage people to develop other interests. In my opinion, the media currently pay too much attention to the private lives of public figures. 

参考译文:  媒体与名人  几乎每一种媒体,包括电视、报纸和杂志,都把许多焦点放在名人的私生活上。一般大众似乎对这种新闻一直很感兴趣。然而,我认为媒体有责任以公正无偏袒的观点报导时事,以及尊重公众人物的生活。因此,我认为媒体的确过度关注名人的私生活。  因为有些人对于公众人物的私生活十分着迷,所以有些媒体就专做这个主题。通过购买针对歌迷或影迷所发行的杂志和观看电视节目的娱乐新闻,就能满足这些歌迷和影迷的好奇心。一般媒体应该提供所有类型的资讯,因为人们的兴趣各不相同。此外,老是强调名人的私生活,会使人们比平常更注意这些事情。或许最重要的是,媒体应该尊重个人的隐私,包括公众人物的隐私。他们可能选择公开露面或上传播媒体,但那并不表示大众有权知道他们的一切。此外,许多关于名人的报导并不真实;那些报导只不过是被用来增加杂志销售量以及其他媒体业绩的八卦传闻。那些不实的报导不仅对名人不公平,也会误导大众。  基于这些理由,我认为媒体应该多注意公众人物私生活以外的事情。如此一来,媒体就能吸引更广大的受众群,并且鼓励人们培养其他的兴趣。依我之见,目前的媒体的确过度关注公众人物及他们的私生活。